globeELIXIR Clinicals

International Outsourcing

International Outsourcing

globeELIXIR provides multiple services to its clients globally, not only In-house Contract Research Organizations Services, indeed we also outsource our highly skilled expertise team to our clients, as per their requirements on Contract or on Permanent basis Internationally.

The advantage of this, the clients can save their economy and completes their project with minimal expensive. Also, we provide our highly skilled experience talent resources on hourly and daily basis, so that client can use the resource as per their needs and completes study as per their needs.

We also provide our highly skilled experience talent resources for support projects or for implementation projects on contract basis internationally.

The advantage with globeELIXIR is, it is a one place solution to clients and we are having tie-ups with lot of CRO’s National and International wise. Hence the resource who ever got trained and having huge experience can easily resolve the issues of the clients, we will show them a best solution as per their necessity national and International-wise.

As we are specialized into Information Technology, Pharma, Clinical Research, Banking and Finance Etc., we are having network globally and also these platforms have huge demand globally. We are having our experience HR specialized team, who will work exclusively on international outsourcing as per client’s requirements.

We will be getting huge requirements throughout globally to supply man power, hence we make our resource prepare accordingly and we make them ready to face the client challenges globally. We not only provide permanent outsourcing, we also provide resourcing on consulting basis and on freelancing basis. Hence globeELIXIR is a one stop solution for our clients.

As most of the clinical trials will be multi-centre and globally, hence it would be difficult for the clients to send their resources globally, here globeELIXIR will come into picture and provide, outsource the experienced resources to clients globally. Hence it will be easy for the client to completed to study without any huddles and in cost effective.

Hence globeELIXIR is a best place for our clients to get all the solutions in under one roof.